Wednesday, August 08, 2007


The purging.And now i wonder if ever i should slip back into the old old tiresome habit of updating this blog with blog posts. Well, i think i should. Get a few links up, and hey, maybe i'll be back in that old spotlight that my older blog had. Maybe i should, i've got a little extra time on my hands now. Free as a bird, and twice as free in the bowels. Indeed, after this ordeal, my i feel purged. Though if you ask me, authority figures could be a LITTLE more professional in their work.Hey, we're the one paying you yeah? I would not like to be explicit, but the webster has taught me that sycophants exist. Always the little peter pettigrew clinging to the hem of the greater one. And always, always, the abuse of power, no matter how small the sphere. Some people make the world a better place, others just don't. I still believe in the noble savage.
Thank you my dearest class, Be nice to your teacher. Up to you decide which.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i heard u...u've got my worries...
